Yemen Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project (YIUSEP)
The development objective of the Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project for Yemen is to restore access to critical urban services in selected cities within the Republic of Yemen. The project financed by the World Bank (grant from IDA), and implemented by UNOPS, with implementation support by local implementing partners. The three-year project will finance activities that support the restoration of critical urban services in selected Yemeni cities.
Project Components:
Component 1: Service Restoration.
This component supporting the restoration of critical urban services in selected cities in Yemen. The services are selected to address the most urgent needs of the urban population in Yemen. The targeted services cover five sectors:
Subcomponent 1.1: Tertiary Municipal Services and Solid Waste Management (UNOPS in partnership with PWP):
The subcomponent will include small‐scale, neighborhood‐level tertiary municipal goods and infrastructure that will improve access to municipal services.
Activities supported by this subcomponent:
- Solid waste management:
- Restore collection and transfer of solid waste to the landfill sites.
- Environment and social safeguards mitigation measures for landfill sites.
- Weighing stations for landfill sites.
- Limited provision of inputs (e.g. waste collection bins, etc.).
- Neighborhood sanitation:
- Rehabilitation of existing inspection chambers and manholes (including replacement of damaged manhole covers).
- Repair or expansion of sewer pipes not covered by LCs, subject to their linkages to functional treatment/disposal systems.
- Rain water drainage
- Improve storm water drainage by constructing channels, box culverts, and water breakers in existing water pathways;
- Rehabilitating existing channels; and providing grills to ensure outlets are not blocked.
Subcomponent 1.2 Water and Sanitation
The subcomponent includes small‐ to medium‐scale goods and infrastructure works, as well as critical supplies (such as fuel) to restore water and sanitation service delivery at the city level.
- Replacement of critical and needed assets like pumps, generators, water treatment units, related facilities, and spare parts;
- Rehabilitation of pipes, water tanks, existing wells, and WWTPs;
- Service delivery maintenance support to LCs including transportation allowance for critical staff, fuel supply, and electricity expenses (as needed);
- Awareness campaign on utility payment through citizen engagement;
- Support for the establishment of private tanker filling stations and associated accreditation;
- Creation of a directory of service providers and their contact information, including making the directory widely available, allowing household consumers to contact multiple water delivery services to get more reliable water supply at competitive prices
- Sector specific analytical work required during the course of project implementation.
Subcomponent 1.3 Urban Roads (Implemented by UNOPS in partnership with the RMF‐IU)
The subcomponent will rehabilitate selected primary and secondary urban roads including those at the entrances to the cities. Activities may include spot and pothole repairs, crack sealing, patch works, asphalt resurfacing, road safety improvement works and intersection rehabilitation.
Subcomponent 1.4 Electricity for Critical Services (Implemented by UNOPS coordinating with public service institutions):
This subcomponent supports the restoration of electricity supply to critical urban services. During the first year, it will prioritize off‐grid electricity solutions for functional water, sanitation, health and education facilities.
- Rehabilitation of existing conventional (diesel) generation
- systems;
- Installation of new and/or rental of off‐grid generation using diesel, renewable energy (such as rooftop or ground‐mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panels for buildings) or diesel‐solar PV hybrid technologies;
- Restoration of fuel supply, where needed;
- Solar PV and light‐emitting diode (LED) street lights;
- Energy efficiency improvements, such as LED lights in buildings and solar water heaters;
- Provision of electricity through off‐grid private sector rental generation
Subcomponent 1.5 Housing:
This subcomponent will focus on conducting technical assistance (TA) for the housing sector, which is the most impacted sector in terms of recovery needs.
- Addressing Housing Land and Property (HLP) rights through conducting a detailed assessment of current HLP status, identifying potential aspects that will affect housing reconstruction efforts, and suggesting solutions that include community participation in mapping property rights, taking into account the gender gap in property rights;
- Conducting a damage survey (where feasible) to evaluate the structural soundness of damaged houses, categorizing the level of damage to each housing unit and conceiving an appropriate level of activity for each.
- Developing a housing assistance targeting framework and eligibility criteria;
- Mapping of organizations (government agencies, non‐governmental organizations (NGOs,) and private sector available to support the reconstruction process and assessing their capacity.
- Developing suitable financing strategies for housing reconstruction.
- Developing hazard‐resistant housing solutions that build on local architecture.
- Developing instructive materials and guidelines adapted to vernacular construction techniques, and preparing a communications and training strategy.