- The overall objectives are to reduce transport cost of essential commodities by increasing and maintaining road access to food and other humanitarian aid centers in a safe and reliable manner, and provide employment and entrepreneurship opportunities to rural poor within the project area. The Project has four components:
- Component 1: Rural and Village Access Roads Improvement and Maintenance (US$41.00million)
- Component 1.A: Rehabilitation of Lifeline Rural Access Roads (US33.00 million).
- Component 1.B: Employment-Intensive Road Maintenance (US$ 8.00 million).
Component 2: Strengthening Management Capacity of Transport Sector Public Institutions (US$ 2.00 million).
Component 3: Project Implementation and Monitoring Support, Studies and Preparatory Activities (US$ 7.0 million).
- Component 4: Contingent Emergency Response (US$0 million; to be capitalized in case of emergency).